Kindred Sunsets. 2021.
Mural for Black Strathcona Resurgence Project x Vancouver Mural Festival.

Kindred Sunsets is a reminder to center inner peace and healing, despite the ruptures caused by migration and displacement. In this mural a chosen family of past and future selves sit on a new horizon, while a duo of figures fade into the sunset. All of these figures act as an elemental conduit of unity, rest, and possibility. Furthermore they represent the collective metaphor of the solar cycle and the rising, setting, and rebirth of the soul.

While this piece is a call to ancestors and descendants, it is also an opportunity for the them to respond, dream, and envision. At Kindred Sunsets, the past and future converge to a present where the viewer can meditate on what it means to reckon, rest, and reparate.


The Opening

